Strategic Planning
What are your group’s purpose, mission, vision, values, priorities, goals and/or action plans? What are the growth opportunities or mitigating risks that will affect you? What are the tangible steps you will take to get there? And who will assume responsibility?
This ‘Eureka Experience’ challenges groups to think and act strategically regarding the past, present and future of their organization.
Clients: Federated Coop, Co-operative Superannuation Society Pension Plan, College of Veterinary Pathology, North Rim, City of Medicine Hat, Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan, St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation, United Way, Health Promoting Schools Program/Saskatoon Public Schools, Saskatoon Refuge Coalition, Saskatchewan Early Childhood Development Association, USSU Childcare Centre, Queen’s House, Women In Mining Canada, SaskCanola, Sk Literacy Network, Saskatoon Open Door Society, Saskatchewan Intercultural Association
Leadership Communication-Executive Presence
Authentic leaders move us. They know how to work through emotion and self-understanding. They understand the perspectives of others. And they effectively communicate, conflict and connect by developing and maximizing diversity. Knowing our authentic selves helps us identify and articulate our unique value proposition and leverage it across platforms with a consistent message and image. This enhances our recognition as experts in our fields, establishes reputation and credibility and builds efficiency, trust and self-confidence.
During this ‘Eureka Experience’, we will develop techniques and strategies that will allow you to express your authentic self with skill and confidence. We will engage in practical and interactive discussions and activities that will clarify and strengthen your Executive Presence.
Specific themes/outcomes include:
Clients: Cameco, Rempel Engineering, Canadian Light Source, KPMG, Leadership Development Program-CCDE-U of S, Affinity Credit Union, Edwards Executive Education, Saskatoon Coop, PMI South, MBA Retreat
Fearless Conversations/Managing Difficult Conversations
Have you ever…
• Been afraid to initiate a ‘real, difficult or fierce’ conversation?
• Been misunderstood, mistreated or overlooked?
• Had problems with communicating change & getting buy-in?
• Wished you could more effectively engage and motivate others?
During this ‘Eureka Experience’, we will interactively explore the dynamics of difficult conversations that will clarify and strengthen our personal and professional communication abilities and relationships. We will incorporate a wide variety of perspectives, activities & discussion topics, as well as your own experiences and tangible workplace circumstances while using Susan Scott’s 7 Principles of Fierce Conversations as our foundation.
Clients: Lafarge, City of Saskatoon, Leadership Development Program-CCDE-U of S, WIM/WiN, Cameco, AREVA, cFactor Works, Health Facilities Resource Council, Health Quality Council, City of Prince Albert, Affinity Credit Union, Edwards Executive Education, Ministry of Agriculture
High Performance Teams
Imagine 8 finely tuned athletes rowing together…adrenaline, sweat, mastery and purpose drive this team toward their goal with a synchronous energy. Whether in sport, work, community or family, being a high performance team produces satisfaction, drive and results.
This ‘Eureka Experience’ challenges team members to learn, practice and master the Top 10 Characteristics of High Performance Teams.
Clients: K+S Potash Canada, Airline Group of Companies, Canadian Light Source, Meadow Lake Tribal Council, PotashCorp (Canada & US), Blue Cross, TinyEye Therapy Services, O’Kane Consultants, USSU, MBA Program
Ignite The Leader Within
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality!” -Bennis
During this ‘Eureka Experience’, we will interactively explore these questions and more in order to ignite the leader within!
Clients: U of S Student Leadership Conference, Saskatchewan Young Leaders (CU), Women In Mining Conference, Leadership Saskatoon, SARC Conference, CPBI Conference, Tourism SK, SK Institute of Agrologists
Self-Care/Wellness/Work-Life Balance/Time Management
Does your group work in a stressful environment? Do they do too much? And rather than asking what they need for themselves, do they ever shift into overdrive and immerse themselves into the needs of others?
How do they ‘fill up their tanks’ when energy is running low?
More than ever before, we play many different roles in our lives. We are professionals, parents, souses, friends, caregivers of elderly relatives, and volunteers in our communities. We must also make room in our lives for taking care of our won physical and mental well being. Not surprisingly, achieving balance among all of these competing priorities can be challenging.
During this ‘Eureka Experience’, we will explore situations and suggestions to help us balance our priorities and maintain optimal mental health both in our personal & professional lives.
Clients: Peter Ballantyne Child & Family Services, SIGA, Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan, The Betty-Ann Heggie Womentorship Program, Lung Association of Saskatchewan, FCC, SARC, SSAIC, K+S Potash, Taste Restaurant Group
Impression Making/‘The Powerful Presenter in You’
In our world of fast-paced, diverse interactions, first-impressions matter more than ever!
What kind of impression do you make when you present information or share ideas with individuals or groups on the phone, by email, in a meeting, interview or any public gathering? Is your message authentic and powerful? Do you engage, motivate or influence others to ask questions and take action on an idea?
The answers to these questions depend on you, the “presenter”. This interactive, practical session is not about how to create a power point presentation – it is about giving you the knowledge and tools to be a clear, consistent and powerful “presenter”. During this ‘Eureka Experience’, you will explore,
• How to prepare and present a clear message that will stick with your audience – from creating the message through delivery
• How to consider your audience – who they are, their background and experience, and how best to interact with them
• Understanding the impression you make and how you can deliver your message while making a lasting impression
• Tips to being authentic, flexible, persuasive and confident when you deliver your message or idea
Clients: City of Saskatoon , Cameco, University of Saskatchewan Library Services, Edwards Executive Education, Affinity Credit Union, DuPont Canada, Canpotex, SK Geological Open House
A Culture of Mentorship
Are you interested in building community, confidence and morale within your team? How about increasing learning, collaboration, development and commitment? Then a culture of mentorship may be right for you.
This ‘Eureka Experience’ challenges us to truly understand and develop a culture of mentorship. We will explore ‘Why’ create a culture of mentorship, ’What’ are the benefits of a culture of mentorship for you, your career, your organization and others and ’How’ should we mentor to maximize these benefits.
In addition, Rachelle will share personal stories and tangible activities around The Top 5 Characteristics of Mentoring, based on her diverse experiences with both formal and informal mentorship.
Clients: Saskatoon Health Region, Investors Group, Health Promoting Schools Program (Saskatoon & Nainimo), U of S Student Leaders, Peter Ballantyne Child & Family Services, The Betty-Ann Heggie Womentorship Program, Tourism SK
Train the Trainer (Workshop Design, Development & Delivery…Honing Your Facilitation Skills)
Want to enhance your training and development team within your organization? This ‘Eureka Experience’ challenges us to develop ourselves and ‘walk our talk’ as instructors/facilitators who work to develop others.
Clients: U of S Library Leadership Champions, Affinity Credit Union
Facilitation: ”A facilitator’s job is to support everyone to do their best thinking and practice. To do this, the facilitator encourages full participation, promotes mutual understanding and cultivates shared responsibility. By supporting everyone to do their best thinking, a facilitator enables group members to search for inclusive solutions and build sustainable agreements” – Kaner
“An individual who enables groups and organizations to work more effectively; to collaborate and achieve synergy. He or she is a ‘content neutral’ party who by not taking sides or expressing or advocating a point of view during the meeting, can advocate for fair, open, and inclusive procedures to accomplish the group’s work” – Doyle
“One who contributes structure and process to interactions so groups are able to function effectively and make high-quality decisions. A helper and enabler whose goal is to support others as they achieve exceptional performance” – Bens
Clients: St. Paul’s Hospital Board, PotashCorp, Leadership Development Program -CCDE-Advisory Committee, Health Promoting Schools Program, Healthy Start, College of Veterinary Medicine U of S, Saskatoon Minor Basketball Association, United Way
Leading Change
Where are we going? Why are we going there? Who is going with us? And how are we going to get there?
Passionate, productive leaders understand, communicate and establish urgency regarding the vision/purpose of the group. They empower action to achieve short-term wins, while consolidating gains to anchor change in the culture. And above all, they guide and encourage a coalition that is built on trust and innovation.
This ‘Eureka Experience’ challenges us to examine and develop our leadership capacity through the change lens. We will specifically utilize Kotter’s 8-stage Leading Change framework, layered with multiple sourced tips, tools and activity that will enhance the passion and productivity of our teams and ourselves.
Clients: Canpotex, Blue Cross
Creating A Nurturing Organizational Culture
“Two thirds of employees believe organizational culture is vitally important to the success of their organizations, noting it has the greatest impact on their morale and productivity.” -Randstad
Creating a Nurturing Organizational Culture where people feel safe, where it is okay to take a chance and where information is shared, talent is grown and people-centred potential is at the heart of all conversations and activities is vitally important.
During this Eureka Experience, we will explore:
Clients: SARC
Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI)
As a certified facilitator of the MBTI, Rachelle can utilize this valuable tool with your team in one of two ways:
1. A stand alone MBTI experience, or
2. MBTI incorporated into any of the above experiences.
By utilizing the Myers Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI), you and your team will:
• Enhance understanding of your own personal preferences, work & leadership styles and communication tendencies.
• Enhance understanding of others’ personal preferences, work & leadership styles and communication tendencies.
• Explore tips and tools to more passionately and productively ‘get stuff’ done together
Clients: O’Kane Consultants, Rempel Engineering, Canadian Light Source, U of S MBA, U of S MPAcc, Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan, City of Medicine Hat, The Betty-Ann Heggie Womentorship Program, K+S Potash Canada, HJR Asphalt, Taste Restaurant Group